#120 Part 1: The World of Bullying Chapter 2: How Bullying Works (Part 5)

How confident is your child?

If you’d like to learn how to develop your child’s confidence, conduct and concentration, you NEED to take the breakthrough area assessment! It will give you unique insights into your child’s 3Cs, click the link to access:


Sebastian Bates, founder of Warrior Academy and host of the Work Podcast, shares insights from his book, “Not a Victim,” written in 2021. The book aims to guide parents in mentoring their children through the challenging experience of bullying. Sebastian invites listeners to explore the audiobook or physical copy available on platforms like Spotify, Audible, or Amazon.

Topic Discussed: 

– Addressing the Inevitability of Bullying

– Proactive Parental Role in Preparation

– Empowering Children to Face Life’s Challenges

– Understanding Stress and Arousal

– Levels of Stress: Eustress, Hyperstress, and Hypostress

– Impact of Over-alertness on Focus and Creativity

– The Verbal Zone: Starting Point of Bullying

– Fear and Its Connection to Uncertainty

– Identifying False Evidence or Expectations

– Types of Fear: Fear of Physical Danger, FOPO (Fear of People’s Opinions), Fear of Possible Outcome

– Michael Gervais’ Concept of FOPO

Thank you for tuning in to this excerpt from “Not a Victim.” To delve deeper into your child’s levels of confidence, conduct, and concentration, take the Breakthrough Area Assessment. This quick assessment provides a personalized PDF report to help you understand and enhance your child’s three C’s. Visit www.breakthrougharea.com to access the assessment.

Stay connected with Warrior Academy for more insightful episodes on parenting and child development. Subscribe, like, and share the podcast to support the community. For updates and discussions, follow Warrior Academy on social media platforms.

Empower your child’s character development journey with Warrior Academy. Until next time, see you later.

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