What We Offer
Varied, Stimulating And Exciting Classes That Our Students Enjoy And Look Forward To.
What Is Your Child's Breakthrough Area?
Warrior Academy
Breakthrough Areas

We Believe Our Perceived Self Worth And Level Of Confidence Directly Influences Our Opportunities, Success And Happiness In Life.

A Fantastic Way To Reduce Stress Levels At Home And Improve Quality Family Time Is To Develop The Behaviour Or Conduct Of Your Child.

Parents Often Struggle To Improve Their Childs Concentration At Home, This Can Affect School, Grades And Have A Knock On Effect To Their Confidence And Behaviour.
Our Results in Numbers
90% of parents said their child’s conduct improved and 100% of parents stated their child’s confidence and concentration increased from being part of Warrior Academy. – 2017 survey to over 1000 Warrior Academy Parents.
Warrior Academy Team
Our Instructors

Matt Hillier
Instructor Matt has an incredibly interesting background in Martial Arts with over 8 years studying Tae Kwon Do with a 2nd Degree Black Belt competing at a national level, coming third in the UK for sparring at the English Championships 2016. As well as Tae Kwon Do Matt has studied Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Judo, Filipino Weapons, Brazilian Jui Jitsu and…

Rosemay Venus
With years of experience in Freestyle TKD and a National Medalist, Instructor Rose is passionate about coaching and personal development. Rose has the unique experience of having been a Warrior Academy parent, student, ambassador and now Instructor which makes her perfectly equipped to guide our students on their black belt journey.