Martial Arts classes in Wiltshire, Somerset and Dorset.

Challenges are what makes life interesting, overcoming them is what makes them meaningful”

A massive Happy New Year from all of us here at The Warrior Academy! Hope everybody had a well deserved break! Our young warriors have definitely come into the new year with a huge boost of energy, which has been great! Keeping the work rate high in the classes we have held across Bath, Wiltshire, Amesbury, Shaftsbury and Salisbury so far this year, kicking 2017 off to a fantastic start! Keep up the good work guys!

In class we have been working hard to perfect our techniques to prepare for the upcoming gradings. This has meant lots of pad work, working on difficult kicks and getting them up to head height, tricky jumping kicks, as well as focusing on the basics of boxing. Perfecting these techniques are important for looking sharp when running through line work drills. We have also been working through the Warrior Academy self defence programme. Learning the defence drills and committing them to muscle memory for future reference. For our higher grades this has meant implementing takedowns into their self defence arsenal. When practicing we always ensure that we run through drills with control, and have the appropiate protection on the floor, making them safe and keeping them fun! Throughout the past month I have seen an amazing improvement and love the work ethic everyone brings to class every session!

We also use the focus pads to fine tune sparring drills! Speed and timing are very important for landing that winning strike in a competition and our young warriors have been working tirelessly in class to build on the skills they already have, to become better and more well rounded martial artists. I also have sparring in class every two weeks and feel as an investment for your young warrior, sparring kit is essential for overall development. Sparring is fun, controlled and gives massive confidence boosts for our students and accelerates their progression in our martial arts program. It also allows them the opportunity to compete at future events, which is great fun! The Warrior Academy were present at The GTI Taekwondo English Open the weekend, where I brought home the bronze medal in the mens black belt category. Next time gold!

Our Katana course students have been working very hard to learn the age old strikes, blocks and lines of attack of the ancient Samurai. This is a course that we all have been very excited about bringing to the Warrior Academy and are having great fun teaching. During class drills are very controlled. Safety is paramount in our weapons classes, keeping a perfect environment for our students to practice with the Bokken training swords, simulating the weight and feel of a real Katana. The defence and atttack drills are all done with myself, meaning the only person taking the odd bump or knock in class is me. Anybody not adhering to the strict rules in class, has to train with a swimming noodle. Just the threat of this so far has ensured that students keep swords pointing at floor when not running through drills.:)

All in all a fantastic start to 2017! See you in class!

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